Mantra on Mary
70 Mary Street Brisbane City 4000
Finding the right corporate accommodation can be a real challenge at times. It's often the little touches that make a stay memorable and comfortable when you're working away from home and Mantra on Mary hasn't forgotten a thing! That's why choosing this central CBD property for your Brisbane trip is the right choice.
You'll feel right at home in your self-contained apartment, fully equipped with kitchen facilities, air-conditioning, laundry, and ultra-comfy bed. You even have a study room to separate your long days' work from relaxation time in the living room, just like you would at home.
It's the comfort of an apartment with the convenience of hotel facilities, that make this a top pick for travelling. It's the little touches that make a stay feel like "home;" and Mantra on May even caters for the extra touches including WiFi, iron and ironing board, hairdryer and more.
Don't miss a beat as you start your day with a bang and take advantage of the large gymnasium overlooking the outdoor heated lap-pool and don't forget to take time out for yourself at the end of the day, and recharge in the sauna. Look no further than Mantra on Mary for your Brisbane stay and avoid disappointment.
Outdoor Pool
Coffee Shop On-Site
Elevator Present
Fitness Center
Laundry & Dry Cleaning services
Parking Garage
- Property Type: Hotel
Reception hours: Other
7am - 10pm daily
Management available on-site after hours. - Cable TV: Yes, 30 Channels
Internet Type: Wi-Fi Internet
Unlimited WiFi
- Check in Time: 02:00pm
- Check out Time: 11:00am
- Smoking Allowed: No
- Pets Allowed: No
- Housekeeping Service: Weekly